More than 4,000 Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchos and guests from across the globe are attending the closing ceremony of the annual Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Women Emissaries.
"We're hopeful that we have the proper time to ... begin Phase 2 and finish it off, and get more hostages released and move the discussion forward." ...
"As of Sunday 8 pm, the area of the Confrontation Line will change from Partial Activity to Full Activity" in the Gaza Envelope area.
You fought like a lioness to save your babies. No mother can match your strength, your love, your bravery. You will be remembered in the annals of our people along with Sarah, Rifka, Leah and Rachel.
Rabbeinu Bachya ( ibid .) offers that R. Yonasan did not actually mean that he was at the grave of a genuine ben sorer, one that had met every criterion and hence was executed. Rather he meant that he ...
As she continued to share experiences of caring for her son, I also shared different chapters that I had written about caring for my husband during his decline. In spite of her belief that her challen ...
Several minutes after entering the hospital room, my father gave a tremor that sent them running for help from the nurse's station. The nurse called the doctor. The doctor told them that my father's s ...
What difference does that make? asked Mr. Isaacs. You’re not a relevant party to the case. Mr. Weintraub is not related to any of the relevant parties: lender, borrower, or guarantor!
Suddenly, it may start to feel like your like child does not want to speak to you at all. And this is especially difficult at this age since you may feel an even more pressing need to support and prot ...
As one of the largest ex-pat communities, we can reach out to U.S. elected officials and help them understand our needs and interests.
Over the past two days, the terrorist organization Hamas has committed three severe violations of the agreement.
"On the 7th of October, not only Israeli citizens were murdered but also the idea that was mistakenly called 'the two-state solution." ...